10 research outputs found

    Analysis of some economic-financial ratios to analyse the financial crisis in five-star hotels in Barcelona and Madrid

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    Purpose: Analyse some of the financial ratios to see the impact of the economic crisis on 5-star hotels in Spain. Design/methodology: The information needed to write this article was taken from the Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System (SABI), the Hotel Occupancy Survey published periodically by the National Statistics Institute, the IDESCAT and the official websites of the hotels analysed. Findings: The results obtained show how the financial crisis did not have a direct impact on luxury hotels, but on the contrary, they continue to increase their success thanks to the best continuous strategies. One test is the luxury hotels that were created in Barcelona and Madrid between 2008 and 2011. The work shows that it does not take into account for a hotel chain to have more than one luxury hotel in the same city, since one both of them may end up showing financial losses. It is also found that it is important to determine the number of rooms that the hotel must have in order to avoid construction costs and to have the maximum efficiency. Research limitations/implications: The study has the problem of not updating the SABI database. In some cases, the information has not been updated since 1990. Practical implications: The result that luxury hotels can cover the fixed assets coefficient with their equity. At the same time, it supports the importance of making a better forecast of the number of rooms in order to help them have a better financing. Social implications: It supports the importance of a single luxury hotel in the same hotel chain in the same city and of making good strategic planning in order to improve the results of financial ratios. Originality/value: The article helps explain how the tourist model in Spain has changed since the beginning of the financial crisis.Peer Reviewe

    El comportamiento de los fondos de inversi贸n en Espa帽a: un an谩lisis de los factores de supervivencia

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    La tesi realitza una an脿lisi de l鈥檈voluci贸 del mercat espanyol de fons d鈥檌nversi贸 des de la seva creaci贸 en 1985 fins 2016 amb l鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檈studiar quina 茅s la incid猫ncia de les diferents variables en la seva desaparici贸. Es consideren les variables que tradicionalment es troben en la literatura: edat, volum de patrimoni, fluxos d鈥檌nversi贸, rendibilitat i volatilitat i s鈥檌ncorpora el rating de Morningstar, que no est脿 relacionada amb la mortalitat dels fons en estudis cl脿ssics. A m茅s, la peculiar estructura del mercat espanyol, ens ha portat a considerar la inclusi贸 d鈥檃ltres dos variables: la vocaci贸 inversora i la tipologia de gestora. S鈥檜tilitza el model de Cox i una extensi贸, el model d鈥橝ndersen-Gill, amb l鈥檕bjectiu de con猫ixer si existeix relaci贸 entre el risc de desaparici贸 d鈥檜n fons i les variables explicatives considerades. Els resultats obtinguts ens confirmen que aquells fons m茅s joves i amb menor volum patrimonial tenen major risc de desapar猫ixer. Tamb茅 incrementen el seu risc de desaparici贸 aquells fons que obtenen rendiments negatius a llarg termini. En canvi, la volatilitat i la rendibilitat a curt termini nom茅s incideixen en la superviv猫ncia dels fons de renda fixa i no incideix en els fons de renda variable. A partir de les variables considerades en aquests models, s鈥檜tilitzen els mapes auto-organitzatius de Kohonen (SOM) per confirmar si aquesta metodologia es capa莽 d鈥檃grupar els fons d鈥檌nversi贸 segons continu茂n vius o hagin desaparegut. Es comprova que la xarxa neuronal classifica correctament m茅s del 80% dels fons d鈥檌nversi贸. Finalment, s鈥檕bserva que els resultats dels fons absorbits milloren despr茅s d鈥檜n proc茅s de fusi贸 en les tres formes de desaparici贸 analitzades, mentre que pel fons absorbent varia en funci贸 de la forma d鈥檈xtinci贸.La tesis realiza un an谩lisis de la evoluci贸n del mercado espa帽ol de fondos de inversi贸n desde su creaci贸n en 1985 hasta 2016 con el objetivo de estudiar cual es la incidencia de las diferentes variables en su desaparici贸n. Se han considerado las variables que tradicionalmente se encuentran en la literatura: edad, tama帽o, flujos de inversi贸n, rentabilidad y volatilidad y se ha incorporado el rating de Morningstar, que no se relaciona con la mortalidad de los fondos en los estudios cl谩sicos. Adem谩s, la particular estructura del mercado espa帽ol, nos ha llevado a considerar la inclusi贸n de otras dos variables: la vocaci贸n inversora y la tipolog铆a de gestora. Se utiliza el modelo de Cox y una extensi贸n, el modelo de Andersen-Gill, con el objetivo de conocer si existe relaci贸n entre el riesgo de desaparici贸n de un fondo y las variables explicativas consideradas. Los resultados obtenidos nos confirman que aquellos fondos m谩s j贸venes y con un menor volumen patrimonial tienen mayor riesgo de desaparici贸n. Tambi茅n incrementan su riesgo de desaparici贸n aquellos fondos que obtienen rendimientos negativos a largo plazo. En cambio, la volatilidad y la rentabilidad a corto plazo s贸lo inciden en la supervivencia de los fondos de renta fija y no influye en los fondos de renta variable. A partir de las variables consideradas en estos modelos, se utilizan los mapas autoorganizativos de Kohonen (SOM) con el fin de confirmar si esta metodolog铆a es capaz de agrupar los fondos de inversi贸n seg煤n sigan vivos o hayan desaparecido. Se comprueba que la red neuronal considerada clasifica correctamente m谩s del 80% de los fondos de inversi贸n. Finalmente, se observa que los resultados de los fondos absorbidos mejoran tras un proceso de fusi贸n en las tres formas de desaparici贸n analizadas, mientras que para el fondo absorbente var铆a en funci贸n de la forma de extinci贸n.This thesis carries out an analysis of the evolution of mutual funds in the Spanish market from their creation in 1985 to 2016 with the aim of studying how the different variables contribute to their disappearance. The explicative variables considered are those traditionally found in the literature: age, size, investment flows, return and volatility. To these the Morningstar rating is added, which is not related to the mortality of funds in the classic studies. Furthermore, the specific structure of the Spanish market leads us to include two more variables: investment objectives and type of fund company. We use the Cox model and an extension of it, the Andersen-Gill model, to carry out the analysis with the aim of finding out if there is a relation between the risk of a fund disappearing and the explicative variables considered. The results obtained confirm that younger funds and smaller funds have a greater risk of disappearing. Funds with long-term negative returns are likewise at greater risk. Volatility and short-term return, on the other hand, only intervene in the survival of bond funds; they do not contribute to the survival of equity funds. Apart from the variables considered in these models, the Self-Organising Maps (SOM) are used to see whether this methodology is capable of grouping the funds according to if they have disappeared or not. This neural network is shown to correctly classify more than 80% of the mutual funds. Finally, regarding merger processes, target funds improve their results after a merger in all three ways of disappearing analysed

    A Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis of Socially Responsible Funds

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    The aims of this paper are (i) to identify which documents are the most influential when analyzing socially responsible funds, and (ii) to identify the conceptual structure of the field of research through co-word analysis. To achieve the proposed objectives, the VOS Viewer and two databases, Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus, were used for the period 1988–2018, and a total of 209 research papers were analyzed. This analysis provides an insight into the nature and trends of research on socially responsible investment (SRI) funds

    El comportamiento de los fondos de inversi贸n en Espa帽a: un an谩lisis de los factores de supervivencia

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    La tesi realitza una an脿lisi de l鈥檈voluci贸 del mercat espanyol de fons d鈥檌nversi贸 des de la seva creaci贸 en 1985 fins 2016 amb l鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檈studiar quina 茅s la incid猫ncia de les diferents variables en la seva desaparici贸. Es consideren les variables que tradicionalment es troben en la literatura: edat, volum de patrimoni, fluxos d鈥檌nversi贸, rendibilitat i volatilitat i s鈥檌ncorpora el rating de Morningstar, que no est脿 relacionada amb la mortalitat dels fons en estudis cl脿ssics. A m茅s, la peculiar estructura del mercat espanyol, ens ha portat a considerar la inclusi贸 d鈥檃ltres dos variables: la vocaci贸 inversora i la tipologia de gestora. S鈥檜tilitza el model de Cox i una extensi贸, el model d鈥橝ndersen-Gill, amb l鈥檕bjectiu de con猫ixer si existeix relaci贸 entre el risc de desaparici贸 d鈥檜n fons i les variables explicatives considerades. Els resultats obtinguts ens confirmen que aquells fons m茅s joves i amb menor volum patrimonial tenen major risc de desapar猫ixer. Tamb茅 incrementen el seu risc de desaparici贸 aquells fons que obtenen rendiments negatius a llarg termini. En canvi, la volatilitat i la rendibilitat a curt termini nom茅s incideixen en la superviv猫ncia dels fons de renda fixa i no incideix en els fons de renda variable. A partir de les variables considerades en aquests models, s鈥檜tilitzen els mapes auto-organitzatius de Kohonen (SOM) per confirmar si aquesta metodologia es capa莽 d鈥檃grupar els fons d鈥檌nversi贸 segons continu茂n vius o hagin desaparegut. Es comprova que la xarxa neuronal classifica correctament m茅s del 80% dels fons d鈥檌nversi贸. Finalment, s鈥檕bserva que els resultats dels fons absorbits milloren despr茅s d鈥檜n proc茅s de fusi贸 en les tres formes de desaparici贸 analitzades, mentre que pel fons absorbent varia en funci贸 de la forma d鈥檈xtinci贸.La tesis realiza un an谩lisis de la evoluci贸n del mercado espa帽ol de fondos de inversi贸n desde su creaci贸n en 1985 hasta 2016 con el objetivo de estudiar cual es la incidencia de las diferentes variables en su desaparici贸n. Se han considerado las variables que tradicionalmente se encuentran en la literatura: edad, tama帽o, flujos de inversi贸n, rentabilidad y volatilidad y se ha incorporado el rating de Morningstar, que no se relaciona con la mortalidad de los fondos en los estudios cl谩sicos. Adem谩s, la particular estructura del mercado espa帽ol, nos ha llevado a considerar la inclusi贸n de otras dos variables: la vocaci贸n inversora y la tipolog铆a de gestora. Se utiliza el modelo de Cox y una extensi贸n, el modelo de Andersen-Gill, con el objetivo de conocer si existe relaci贸n entre el riesgo de desaparici贸n de un fondo y las variables explicativas consideradas. Los resultados obtenidos nos confirman que aquellos fondos m谩s j贸venes y con un menor volumen patrimonial tienen mayor riesgo de desaparici贸n. Tambi茅n incrementan su riesgo de desaparici贸n aquellos fondos que obtienen rendimientos negativos a largo plazo. En cambio, la volatilidad y la rentabilidad a corto plazo s贸lo inciden en la supervivencia de los fondos de renta fija y no influye en los fondos de renta variable. A partir de las variables consideradas en estos modelos, se utilizan los mapas autoorganizativos de Kohonen (SOM) con el fin de confirmar si esta metodolog铆a es capaz de agrupar los fondos de inversi贸n seg煤n sigan vivos o hayan desaparecido. Se comprueba que la red neuronal considerada clasifica correctamente m谩s del 80% de los fondos de inversi贸n. Finalmente, se observa que los resultados de los fondos absorbidos mejoran tras un proceso de fusi贸n en las tres formas de desaparici贸n analizadas, mientras que para el fondo absorbente var铆a en funci贸n de la forma de extinci贸n.This thesis carries out an analysis of the evolution of mutual funds in the Spanish market from their creation in 1985 to 2016 with the aim of studying how the different variables contribute to their disappearance. The explicative variables considered are those traditionally found in the literature: age, size, investment flows, return and volatility. To these the Morningstar rating is added, which is not related to the mortality of funds in the classic studies. Furthermore, the specific structure of the Spanish market leads us to include two more variables: investment objectives and type of fund company. We use the Cox model and an extension of it, the Andersen-Gill model, to carry out the analysis with the aim of finding out if there is a relation between the risk of a fund disappearing and the explicative variables considered. The results obtained confirm that younger funds and smaller funds have a greater risk of disappearing. Funds with long-term negative returns are likewise at greater risk. Volatility and short-term return, on the other hand, only intervene in the survival of bond funds; they do not contribute to the survival of equity funds. Apart from the variables considered in these models, the Self-Organising Maps (SOM) are used to see whether this methodology is capable of grouping the funds according to if they have disappeared or not. This neural network is shown to correctly classify more than 80% of the mutual funds. Finally, regarding merger processes, target funds improve their results after a merger in all three ways of disappearing analysed

    Investment objectives and factors that influence the disappearance of Spanish mutual funds

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    This paper analyses which variables influence the disappearance of mutual funds in the Spanish market and whether these variables vary depending on the investment objectives. The following variables are tested: age, size, investment flows, return, volatility, Sharpe ratio, Morningstar rating, and fund family. The Kaplan-Meier estimator and an extension of the Cox model, the Andersen-Gill model are used and the results indicate that the impact of some variables on survival capacity is different depending on the fund鈥檚 investment objectives. The originality of this article is twofold. The analysis of disappearance takes the investment objectives of the mutual funds into account and a new variable, the Morningstar rating, is introduced. Moreover, no previous study examines survival capacity in the Spanish market according to different investment objectives. In Spain, mutual funds are highly concentrated because most of them are in the hands of a small number of banks who also control the country鈥檚 largest fund families. This characteristic not only makes the Spanish market an interesting one for analysis, but it also means that the results of this paper are significant for mutual fund investors

    驴El perfil inversor incide en la capacidad de supervivencia de los fondos de inversi贸n?

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    El art铆culo realiza un an谩lisis de la evoluci贸n del mercado de fondos de inversi贸n en Espa帽a con especial atenci贸n a la variaci贸n del peso relativo de cada vocaci贸n inversora en funci贸n del contexto econ贸mico. Este estudio presenta un an谩lisis descriptivo de la capacidad de supervivencia de los fondos de inversi贸n en Espa帽a, ofreciendo una nueva perspectiva con el c谩lculo de las tasas de mortalidad y de reposici贸n. Los resultados nos muestran que el perfil del inversor espa帽ol ha ido cambiando desde posiciones m谩s conservadoras hacia otras alternativas m谩s arriesgadas o con menor rigidez en cuanto al dise帽o de su cartera. El art铆culo destaca por su an谩lisis detallado del mercado de fondos, as铆 como el an谩lisis de tasas que proporcionan informaci贸n adicional al inversor en cuanto a la mortalidad de los fondos de inversi贸n

    Analysis of some economic-financial ratios to analyse the financial crisis in five-star hotels in Barcelona and Madrid

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    Purpose: Analyse some of the financial ratios to see the impact of the economic crisis on 5-star hotels in Spain. Design/methodology: The information needed to write this article was taken from the Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System (SABI), the Hotel Occupancy Survey published periodically by the National Statistics Institute, the IDESCAT and the official websites of the hotels analysed. Findings: The results obtained show how the financial crisis did not have a direct impact on luxury hotels, but on the contrary, they continue to increase their success thanks to the best continuous strategies. One test is the luxury hotels that were created in Barcelona and Madrid between 2008 and 2011. The work shows that it does not take into account for a hotel chain to have more than one luxury hotel in the same city, since one both of them may end up showing financial losses. It is also found that it is important to determine the number of rooms that the hotel must have in order to avoid construction costs and to have the maximum efficiency. Research limitations/implications: The study has the problem of not updating the SABI database. In some cases, the information has not been updated since 1990. Practical implications: The result that luxury hotels can cover the fixed assets coefficient with their equity. At the same time, it supports the importance of making a better forecast of the number of rooms in order to help them have a better financing. Social implications: It supports the importance of a single luxury hotel in the same hotel chain in the same city and of making good strategic planning in order to improve the results of financial ratios. Originality/value: The article helps explain how the tourist model in Spain has changed since the beginning of the financial crisis.Peer Reviewe

    Can Artificial Neural Networks Predict the Survival Capacity of Mutual Funds? Evidence from Spain

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    Recently, the total net assets of mutual funds have increased considerably and turned them into one of the main investment instruments. Despite this increment, every year a considerable number of funds disappear. The main purpose of this paper is to determine if the neural networks can be a valid instrument to detect the survival capacity of a fund, using the traditional variables linked to the literature of disappearance funds: age, size, performance and volatility. This paper also incorporates annualized variation in return and the Sharpe ratio as variables. The data used is a sample of Spanish mutual funds during 2018 and 2019. The results show that the network correctly classifies funds into surviving and non-surviving with a total error of 13%. Moreover, it shows that not all variables are significant to determine the survival capacity of a fund. The results indicate that surviving and non-surviving funds differ in variables related to performance and its variation, volatility and the Sharpe ratio. However, age and size are not significant variables. As a conclusion, the neural network correctly predicts the 87% of survival capacity of mutual funds. Therefore, this methodology can be used to classify this financial instrument according to its survival or disappearance